Independent Engineer Services for supervision of Six Laning of Shamla ji to Motachilodha from km 401.200 to km 494.410 (Length 93.210 km) section of NH-8 in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase?V ( Package-VI) on Hybrid Annuity Mode.
The project road starts from Rajasthan/Gujrat Border at Km 401+200 of NH-8 and ends near Ahmedabad. The road passes through the Aravali, Sabarkantha, Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad District of Gujrat. Service roads shall be constructed at a design length of 117.06 km on both sides.
Rehabilitation and Upgrading from 2 Lane to 4/6 Lane with Paved shoulders of Yamunanagar Panchkula Section (km 106+357 to km 179+249) of NH-73 in the State of Haryana under NHDP Phase III. The site includes 19 Service Roads at 19 locations having a total length of 33.69 km.
- Rail Over Bridges = 4
- RCC T-Beams = 3 (LHS)
- RCC Solid Slab = 3 (RHS)
- RCC T-Girder = 2 (LHS & RHS)
- PSC T-Beam = 2 (LHS)
- Minor Bridges = 18
- Solid Slab = 22
- RCC T Girder = 12
- Frame Type = 2
- Minor Bridges on Irrigation Canal
- Solid Slab = 1
- RCC Box = 1
- Junctions = 30
- Major = 9
- Minor = 21
- Minor Junctions (on Service road) = 80
- Grade Separated Structure/ Flyovers = 9
- PSC T-Girder = 6 Lane Flyover
- Vehicular Underpass = 8
- RCC T-Girder = 6 Lane
- Light Vehicular Underpass = 12
- RCC Box = 6 lane
- Cattle Under Pass = 1
- RCC Box = 6 lane
- New Minor Bridges = 8
- RCC T-Girder = 5 (3 lane)
- Solid Slab = 3 (6 lane)
- New Minor Bridge over Irrigation Canal = 1
- PSC I Girder = 6 lane
- New Minor Bridge on service Road = 9
- RCC T Girder = 4
- Solid Slab = 5
- Minor Bridge where Widening is proposed = 2
- RCC Solid Slab = 1
- Frame Type = 1
- Slab Culvert to be Widened = 15
- Slab Culverts to be Widened over Irrigation channel = 5
- Box Culverts to be reconstructed = 2
- Pipe Culverts to be Widened = 101
- Pipe Culverts to be Widened over Irrigation Channel = 7 (HPC)
- New Rail Over Bridge = 3
- Composite RCC Deck Slab with Steel I Girder = 3 lane
- Rehabilitation/repair of Rail Over Bridges = 4
- RCC T Beam (central span) RCC Solid Slab (End Span) = 1 (skew)
- RCC T Girder = 1 (skew)
- PSC T Beam = 2